Why BPS Crowthorne?

Harness our world-class expertise to improve products, solutions and processes in food/nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and environmental services. Improve efficiencies, boost profits, increase market share.

BPS Crowthorne is the only supplier in Ireland to offer a comprehensive range of solutions that includes:

  • validation, inspection and servicing of air handling systems in cleanrooms, clean laboratories, operating theatres and other critical facilities.
  • unparalleled knowledge and experience in lyophilization,  bioprocessing  equipment technology and consultancy services (freeze dryers, bioprocessing technology, lyo analytical instrumentation, lyo lab/CRO services and training)
  • independent R&D/lab consultancy, product/process optimisation and production scale-up

Our Products & Services

Download Resources

View our range of technical information. Download app notes, scientific posters, overview brochures and free to download ‘Introduction to…’ technology guides covering freeze drying, choosing a benchtop freeze dryer, solvent evaporation, high pressure homogenisation, aseptic processing trends and technology, vial handling, lyo analytical instruments and training courses.

>>Resource Centre

Depend On Our Experience

BPS Crowthorne unites the expertise of Biopharma Group and Crowthorne Group’s Irish division to create a synergetic single-source solution for Ireland’s pharmaceutical and biotech labs, universities and environmental services providers.

We are not a catalogue company. With decades of combined field experience, expertise and in-depth knowledge, BPS Crowthorne can recommend and deliver solutions tailored to your precise requirements – backed by an experienced technical service team across Ireland and underpinned by strong links with suppliers.